Charlie Chesterman
London, UK
Charlie’s work predominately takes aspects of popular culture to satirise contemporary rituals and occurrences. The core motivation is critical and judgmental; satire is open, truthful, direct and ridicules. The ironic and sarcastic content that tends to reappear in my work, I find to be a coping mechanism which helps us tackle sensitive issues. Furthermore,Charlie believes satire is revelatory, and thus helping us to access or restore a deeper sense of humanity. Charlie would like to think that the subject matter beyond anything is centred on human interests and values. Ideas of contrast, polarity, and division are in addition thematically very important. Polarity for example, functions as a starting point to eventually create a visual schism, which scaffolds the composition.
Charlie Chesterman
Nissa la Bella, November 2018.
Oil, pastel, poster paint, collage, potato bag, filler, airbrush, charcoal, sand, and inkjet on canvas. 180 x 280cm.
Charlie Chesterman
Camden love, 2019.
70 x 100 cm. Oil collage, glitter, acrylic, charcoal and filler on canvas.