With Crypticasso
FFA- Your personal brand is very mysterious, what can you tell us about yourself?
C- We are a collaborative duo, transitioning from traditional media to digital. We are fully onboard with decentralization and crypto in general, and see all the good things it can bring to our world.
As for the anonymity: anonymity is valuable. Anonymity does not equal criminality. People will realise both of these things in time.
FFA- What is the meaning/ story behind your name “Crypticasso”
C- Picasso changed the game – his bold and unconventional work jars and provokes the viewer, but inspired countless artists and stood the test of time.
In this century, blockchain has changed the game. “Crypticasso” riffs on both, as a homage to both. Also, it was still available on insta.
FFA- How would you describe your personal practice?
C- Thoughtful and sporadic!
We are currently playing with extremes of time and information:
Minimal – what is the minimum amount of paint you need to convey an idea, an emotion, or a story? If something can be simplified, it can often be more elegant too.
Maximal – we love work that morphs and becomes fluid the longer you stare at it. It’s as if the time spent staring unlocks new emotions and responses encoded in an image.
FFA- How did you get into digital art and NFTs
C- We have been following crypto for a while – the jump into NFTs started as a couple of drinks and some spontaneity. Since then it has gained more traction each day.
FFA- Can you explain what an NFT is?
C- Fungibility is essentially the opposite of uniqueness. Non Fungible Tokens are therefore unique. They cannot be copied and cannot be faked, because of magical blockchain hashing.
NFTs don’t need to be art – they can be contracts, deeds, or insurance policies if you like. The essence is that an NFT is a token which proves the existence and ownership of a certain thing.
FFA- How do You Feel about the increased interest in NFTs?
C- Inevitable. Necessary.
FFA- Who Are your favourite artists and inspirations?
C- IRL OGs: Hirst, Rothko, Picasso.
IRL street art: Eduardo Kobra.
Digital: Beeple, Greg Mike, Evgeny Kiselev.
FFA- For the FFA exhibition NFT’s will be displayed alongside traditional forms of Art, what is your opinion on this?
C- Beautiful.
More people need to see more things. Building walls is not generally a good policy.
FFA- What is your opinion on Virtual reality spaces and galleries in the art world?
C- They are glorious and not to be scared of. We don’t think VR spaces are competing with traditional spaces – the two offer very different experiences, possibilities and challenges for artists and viewers. On one hand, you’ll never get the same ambience and physical experience as in a bricks and mortar exhibition; even the air conditioning plays a role, the perfume of nearby people, the knowledge that you’re standing as close to this work as the artist did years ago. On the other hand, in a VR space you can walk from one room at the top of Everest, into another in a trench in Normandy in 1914, and see works from people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their location or personal connections to the shortlisting team at the Tate Modern.
FFA- Any tips for young people looking to break into the digital art world?
Share, contribute, support others. Embrace failure. Start now.
FFA- Any Final thoughts…
C- Do good things 🙂